We had harvested the pumpkins and tidied the herbs and then life took over as it does and the garden was left. As I weeded I found myself thinking how often I have had to weed this garden and vowed that I wouldn't let it get so bad again. How much I actually enjoy growing things and how great it would be to make use of the garden that we have. But, with the everyday, full on life of raising four boys and running a household the addition of two acres of land gets to be too much {even just this little patch of garden on the driveway}.
I wonder just what I signed up for and how great it would be to have a little quarter acre section. Just for a minute. I only have to look around and realise just how good we have got it and what lies ahead if I just keep moving forward. Our piece of the country right in town. Because amongst the weeds there is goodness. Plants have held on and are pushing through. It just takes the time to clear away the things that hold them back. We have done a lot in the five years that we have been here.
So it is with me. I have many seeds of thought that I have planted but they struggle through trying to grow amongst the noise that is my life. The more often I weed the things that hold me back from doing what I should be, the more I grow. As I caught up with blogs that I read I came across this post. While the content caught my eye as I had recently written a similar post it was the quote in the picture that held me for longer - 'she loved life and it loved her right back'
To love life is a choice not a reaction to the circumstances I find myself in. Time to pull weeds.
"Because amongst the weeds there is goodness." I love that. Sometimes the weeds are smothering the goodness though. Hence the hoe!