The habit I am wanting to develop is having better mornings. Around here mornings are crazy. I'm definitely more of a night owl.Getting 4 boys up feed and organised for their day is always a feat. I am seeing some of the same traits starting with my boys. Late nights and sleeping in is not the best way to have a good day.
I have things that I do to feel sorted. As well as getting boys dressed, breakfast and making lunches, they include making beds, putting on the washing and dishes off the bench. If I stay in bed just 15-30 mins later it means the house looks like this when I go out and I have to do it when I get back.
Unmade beds, clothes everywhere, dishes all over the place. A disaster zone. It always takes longer. This means that I don't get on to what I need or want to be doing. Apart from this I want to be spending time in the word and being focused on what God wants for me in the day.
So instead of writing my next installment of the enough seminar I have taken a step towards deliberately making some new habits that I have been wanting to make. I have printed out a 100 days calendar to start a focus on creating new habits. The first is something creative, the second something personal and the last something healthy.
1 Spend 15 mins at my creative space.
2 Start my day right getting up and having time in study and prayer.
3 End my day right to get enough sleep
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