I love this quote 'I believe it's never too early - or too late - to start asking the questions: "What is it that really absorbs be?" and "What am I uniquely suited to being able to contribute to both my life and the lives of others?" - and then to have the courage, patience, and persistence to act on the answers as if your life depends on it. Because, in a very real sense, it does.' - author Andy Griffiths in I Believe This (Random House). We all know life is brief. Often it takes tragedy to catch a glimpse of what is really important. When we look at time management it is not about trying to fit more into each day. 'Our aim is to manage our lives more effectively in order to achieve our goals with excellence, love life, remain sane, and pursue the things that we enjoy doing' (She will run studies p.54)
Through planning and organising, we are able to effectively manage our time. The number of ways to do this can't be done justice in a single post. One of the reasons I put together this blog was to have a way to put all these ideas and resources together. In a nutshell it is about finding systems that work for you and your family. It needs to involve keeping track of things to do, setting goals, celebrating your successes and organising your things.
One of the most effective solution to managing time I have found is in how I organise my things. Following the rule of everything has a place and everything in its place, over the years I have sorted my house. It all started with my scrapbooking. A desire to do more led to sorting my supplies in a way that meant I got more done. I have done the same with my clothesOn a more simpler note I have developed a quiet time box {for those evenings when my toddlers had an afternoon sleep and didn't want to go to bed at night} a snack box {for quick snacks and lunch making, a recipe box {to keep all my favs together} and a cleaning box {to have all those supplies on hand} and a present box. All little things that came out of a need to do things more efficiently so the time that I saved could be put to better use. Granted it takes time to set these things up but the time and stress that it saves is so worth it. One of my biggest time savers has to be how I organise my meals and groceries. You can read about it here. Something I came to realise this past week when I didn't do my meal planner and grocery list and have been paying for it ever since.
I like to live by the saying 'if you always do what you've always done, you will always get what you've always got' (Ian Grant). If there is something that is robbing you of spending time on what you want, look at the pile of sand that has become a mountain. Choose the one thing that bugs you the most and there will be a solution to it. Sometimes it takes a little more than what you can come up with. I would love to help out. Send me an email at revolutionizeu@gmail.com.
Above all stop and enjoy what you are doing right now. If you haven't watched the trailer at one thousand gifts it is well worth the visit. I think we beat ourselves up too much over what we haven't done. Slow down, simplify and take in all that you have done.