Who would have thought that this would happen at our place. These photos were captured of the boys getting into their lego on a school morning! Yes thats right on a school morning. Our usual routine involves mad dashes around the house and lots of coaxing, bribing, grumping and more to get four boys out the door to do school and kindy drop offs.
So how did I they do it you might well ask. The simple answer tokens. I have had the token system set up for a while but decided to have a revamp and get it going a bit more. It all started as a way to get the boys more involved in helping out. As much as it is easier to do things yourself sometimes when you are doing everything thats all you get to do. So it was a way of encouraging them to help out so they got to do what they wanted and so did I. Up on our wall is a list of things that the boys can earn tokens for like setting the table, putting their bags away, getting ready in the morning and some things worth two tokens like emptying the dishwasher. When they have ten tokens they get to cash them in for a prize. These include having a friend over, going for a bike ride or swim, staying up late etc.
So on this morning they were up and ready to go in no time earned themselves tokens and then had time to play. It would be fab to say that it lasted and mornings are great but you have to take joy in the moments when they do. Hence why I had to capture it.
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