Sunday, October 20, 2013

That's the way the world goes round

Last night we went for a family outing to check out the new playground at Pukekura Park.  We picked up fish and chips on the way.  The boys could hardly wait to check out all the cool new things that were there. Their favourite thing next to the flying fox was the water play area.  They spent loads of time there sorting different ways to dam the flow and send it gushing down the hill.

As we moved around I sat to watch as the boys climbed aboard the spinning wheel for more fun.  Not my thing I'm afraid as my head can't handle the spinning.

As I watched I saw how the boys could either sit on the mat or hold on to the ropes for all they were worth or if they wanted a rest could hold on to the pole in the centre and watch as the world went by. 

It got me thinking.  Life is just like this.  Our world is a busy one.  We rush about in our busyness trying to keep up with everything that is going on.  It wasn't designed this way.  What if for a moment you could stop and cling to the One who designed it instead of holding on for all you are worth and trying to fight it?  

    Romans 12:2
    Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. (NIV)
Seems like things would look a whole lot clearer.  And they do.......

Just a thought

I choose - October

I choose
My intentions from One Little Word for October is 'accomplish enough'.  Quite fitting really.  My intentions were to look at what I had started that needed finishing and to move ahead with new things.  I have been doing quite the opposite.  Starting new things before finishing what I need to and continually trying to catch up with what I am already doing.

Choices for October
Finish the projects and classes that I started
Make dates for social events that I have planned
Visit businesses for information about building our studio
Keep blogging

Thursday, October 17, 2013

I choose - July, August, September

I choose
July was half way through and I started writing this post. 3 months later and I found the draft I had started.  I have been very absent of late.  I keep thinking that I should post a small note at the top of my blog "If I haven't been here it is because I am living"  not that I don't have things to write about.

My intentions from One Little Word for July was 'enough dreams'. For August was 'care enough'. For September was 'plan enough'.

As I dwell on all of this I can see how appropriate this is for me right now.  With travelling, all the sickness we had and busyness of life, you just knuckle down and weather the storm.  The what ifs and doubts creep in and I wonder just what I hope I have of accomplishing the day to day, let alone something bigger   There is often no room for dreaming.  I find it hard to take care of me let alone others.  I had plans just what has become of them?

Where am I at now?  Only because of what I set in motion here.  Grounded in faith I weathered the storm. What I wrote in this post  keeps me going.   Seems I am not the only one who knows this.  I caught up on blog reading and found this at Beautiful Things.  I love how when you are tuned into the voice of God you are more aware of his whisperings.

One Little Word - October

One Little Word

The prompt for this month was to get messy with your word.  To see where you are at.  So appropriate for me who has been absent for some time from sharing where I am at.  Such a great way to get back into it.  So I got to it.  I have looked at the idea of art journaling and collage for a while. This was such a great opportunity to try it out.  I really enjoyed it.  Especially the freedom to keep playing if it didn't quite look right. 

Here is what I came up with.

It reads

Just where am I at with my word?  To look at what I have done at first glance I would say it is not enough .... but that is just it.  Without being aware I have been living my word.  By not doing I have been doing enough for me.  I know what is enough for me; I know I am enough.  There is so much possibility when I say no my yes gets louder.  I need only listen to the right voice - In Him I am enough - He is more than enough for me.  I am already free - Go out and live.
This is life don't miss it!

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