Being the night owl that I have become since my boys go to bed so late. I have been doing a bit of reading. I love to read and relish curling up with a good book. So I thought I would share what I have been reading of late.
I started the Janette Oke series Love Comes Softly a while back and have got back into reading it. These are the last two in the series and I am getting through them at a fast rate. A great read! Part of my defining me material is thoughts and reflections on the books that I read. I have a section where I jot down things that I get out of books and movies and character qualities that I am inspired by.
When I picked up these ones at our library at Northpoint Church, Christine Cain's Stop acting like a Christian just be one caught my eye. I have heard her speaking so am looking forward to getting into this one. Especially when a recent teaching I heard reminded me that we are 'human beings not doings' Something I have been dwelling on of late.
As the boys go through changes as they grow I thought I would dig out a favourite from Ian Grant 'Growing Great Boys'.
And last a book that a friend lent me after talking about what I have been doing to get organised and here on my blog 'More hours in my day' by Emilie Barnes and Sheri Torelli. Interesting reading. Lots of things I am already doing and a number of pointers that I would like to put in place. Alot of what I want to share on my blog is about this. The things that I do to create time for what I want to be doing. There are alot of things that I wish I had known a long time ago and set up. Its taken a lot of time but I am getting there and it feels good. Love that it is from a Christian perspective
Will have to keep you posted about what comes from it

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